COLA Report 48

A Two Dimensional Implemntation of the Simple Biosphere (SiB) Model

Paul A. Dirmeyer and Fanrong Zeng

September 1997


The offline, zero dimensional version of the Simplified Biosphere (SSiB) midel has been implemented in a global, two dimensional framework. This version allows global simulation of hydrologic and energy flux terms at the land surface driven by gridded meteorological data (observed or analyzed). It is intended for use as a tool for land surface data assimilation and model development. It has the advantages of being much less expensive to execute than SSiB couple to an atmospheric model, and, lacking feedbacks with the free atmosphere, it is easier to diagnose. These features make it ideal for sensitivity testing over large areas.

The history and framework of the SSiB model in general and its two dimensional implementation are explained, and a brief tutorial is presented.

Complete copies of this report are available from:

Center for Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Studies
4041 Powder Mill Road, Suite 302
Calverton, MD 20705-3106
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last update: 10 November 1997
comments to: [email protected]