COLA Report 18

Impact of Vegetation Properties on U.S. Summer Weather Prediction

Yongkang Xue, Michael J. Fennessy and Piers Sellers

August 1995


Systematic biases in United States summer integrations with the Center for Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Studies (COLA) atmospheric general circulation model (GCM) have been identified and analyzed. Positive surface air temperature biases of 2-4øK occurred over the central U.S.. The temperature biases were coincident with the agricultural region of the central U.S., where negative precipitation biases also occurred. The biases developed in June and became very significant during July and August.

The impact of the crop area vegetation and soil properties on the biases was investigated in a series of numerical experiments. The biases were largely caused by the erroneous prescription of crop vegetation phenology in the surface model of the GCM. The prescribed crop soil properties also contributed to the biases. Based upon these results, the crop model has been improved and the systematic errors in the U.S. summer simulations have been reduced.

The numerical experiments also revealed that land surface effects on the atmospheric variables at and near the surface during the North American summer are very pronounced and persistent, but are limited to the area of the anomalous land surface forcing. In this regard, the mid-latitude land surface effects described here are similar to those previously found for tropical regions.

Complete copies of this report are available from:
Center for Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Studies
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last update: 31 August 1995
comments to: [email protected]