Publications - Conference Proceedings


Conference Proceedings Papers
Venugopal V., and P. A. Dirmeyer, 2000: Scale-invariance in space-time rainfall: Extension to climate scales, 15th Conf. on Hydrol., Am. Meteor. Soc. Long Beach, CA. Jan. 2000.
DelSole, T., 1999: A stochastic model for transient eddy momentum fluxes in the upper troposphere. 12th AMS conference on atmospheric and oceanic fluid dynamics. June 7-11, 1999.
Dirmeyer, P.A., K.L. Brubaker, F. Bernal, A. Sudradjat, and B. Levy, 1999: The evaporative sources of moisture supplying rainfall over the Mississippi basin. Proc. 2nd Internationl Conference on Reanalyses, World Climate Research Programme, in press.
Dirmeyer, P.A., 1999: Impact of GSWP soil moisture and ISLSCP vegetation data sets on the simulation of seasonal climate. 14th Conf. On Hydrology, American Meteorological Society, 228-229.
Dirmeyer, P.A., and K.L. Brubaker, 1999: The sources of moisture for warm season precipitation over the United States. 14th Conf. On Hydrology, American Meteorological Society, 309-311.
Dirmeyer, P.A., L. Tan, and C.A. Schlosser (speaker), 1999: (Invited) Beta Testing of CLM at COLA. CSM workshop. Breckenridge, CO. June 21-24, 1999.
Fennessy, M.J., J. Shukla,, B.P. Kirtman, K. Miyakoda and E. Rogers, 1999: Seasonal predictions with the NCEP EMC Eta Model at COLA. Proc. Workshop on Regional Climate Prediction and Downscaling Techniques for South America. Petrópolis, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. September 8-10, 1999.
Kirtman, B.P., 1999: The Predictability of ENSO. Sixth Regional Workshop on Asian/African Monsoon Emphasizing Training Aspects. Nairobi, Kenya. January 1999.
Kirtman, B.P., 1999: The state-of-the-art in ENSO forecasting: A comparison of various prediction systems. Sixth Regional Workshop on Asian/African Monsoon Emphasizing Training Aspects. Nairobi, Kenya. January 1999.
Kirtman, B.P., 1999 Influence of Indian Summer Monsoon on ENSO. Sixth Regional Workshop on Asian/African Monsoon Emphasizing Training Aspects. Nairobi, Kenya. January 1999.
Reale, O., L. Feudale and B. Turato, 1999: Large-scale moist dynamics and subsynoptic-scale processes relevant for flood forecasting. EGS topical conference ``Plinius'' on Mediterranean Storms. Maratea, Italy. October 14-16, 1999.
Schlosser, C.A., A. Slater, A. Robock, A.J. Pitman, K.Ya. Vinnikov, A. Henderson-Sellers, and N.A. Speranskaya, 1999: PILPS Phase 2(d) - Simulations of a Boreal Grassland Hydrology at Valdai, Russia. (Invited). 79th Annual Meeting. Dallas, TX. January 10-15, 1999.
Schlosser, C.A. and L. Marx, V. Krishnamurthy, D.A. Straus, J.L. Kinter III, and J. Shukla, 1999: Results from AMIP II: The COLA GCM Simulation. IUGG Conference. Univ. of Birmingham. July 19-23, 1999.
Schlosser, C.A. and A.J. Slater, 1999: Assessing Snow Simulations of Land-Surface Schemes Used in Atmospheric Models. IUGG Conference. Univ. of Birmingham. July 19-23, 1999.
Schopf, P., 1999: Decadal Variability in ENSO Predictability and Prediction, informal seminar at US Clivar Pacific Implementation Panel. Estes Park, CO. May 1999.
Shukla, J., 1999: Predictability of Weather and Climate. Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC. March 1999.
Shukla, J., 1999: Seasonal to Interannual climate variability and predictability. United Nations Conference on Space. Vienna. July 1999.
Shukla, J., 1999: Predictability in the midst of chaos: scientific basis for regional climate prediction. Founder's Day lecture, CMMACS, Bangalore, India. July 1999.
Venugopal V., E. Foufoula-Georgiou and V. Sapozhnikov, 1999: A space-time downscaling model for rainfall, American Geophysical Union Spring meeting. Boston, MA. June 1999.
Wajsowicz, R.C. and P.S. Schopf, 1999: The ocean's role in low-frequency variability of the Indian monsoon. I.U.G.G. XXII General Assembly, Birmingham, U.K. July 1999.
DelSole, T., 1998: Energy conserving and enstrophy dissipating stochastic models of shear-flow turbulence. Presented at Johns Hopkins conference in environmental fluid mechanics. April 3, 1998.
DelSole, T., 1998: Statistical-Dynamical modeling of the atmosphere and ocean. Atmosphere/Ocean Science Colloquium at the Courant Institute of New York University. September 23, 1998.
DeWitt, D.G., 1998: An analysis of the tropical climate of the NCAR climate system model (CSM). Breckenridge, Colorado. June 1998.
DeWitt, D.G., 1998: Sensitivity of the simulated climate in the tropical Pacific to ocean mixing. EGS XXIII General Assembly, Nice, France. April 1998.
DeWitt, D.G., and E.K. Schneider, 1998: Understanding the annual cycle of tropical SST in the COLA coupled GCM. Bologna, Italy. April 1998.
DeWitt, D.G., Z. Zhu, E.K. Schneider, B. Huang, and J. Shukla, 1998: Forecast of the 1997-98 El Niño using a coupled general circulation model. AGU Fall Meeting. San Francisco. December 1998.
Dirmeyer, P.A., and International GEWEX Project Office, 1998: Global Soil Wetness Project: Preliminary report on the pilot phase. IGPO Publication Series no. 29, 48 pp.
Dirmeyer, P.A., and International GEWEX Project office, 1998: Land surface parameterizations/soil vegetation atmosphere transfer schemes workshop: Conclusions and Working Group Reports. IGPO Publication Series no. 31, 77 pp.
Dirmeyer, P.A., and K. L. Brubaker, 1998: Contrasting the hydrologic cycle during the drought of 1988 and the flood of 1993. Abs. Vol. GCIP Miss. Riv. Climate Conf., 246.
Dirmeyer, P.A., 1998: The impact of GSWP soil wetness analyses on GCM simulations of summer climate over the United States. Abs. Vol. GCIP Miss. Riv. Climate Conf., 131.
Dirmeyer, P.A., and K. L. Brubaker, 1998: Using hourly precipitation data and NCEP reanalysis to investigate the hydrologic cycle during the drought of 1988 and the flood of 1993. Special Symp. on Hydrology, American Meteorological Society, 314-316.
Dirmeyer, P.A., and K. L. Brubaker, 1998: Contrasting the hydrologic cycle during the drought of 1988 and the flood of 1993. Proc. 9th Symp. Global Change Studies, American Meteorological Society, 36-38.
Fennessy, M. J., 1998: Seasonal prediction experiments with the NCEP Eta model nested in the COLA GCM. Conference on "The Role of Topography in Modelling Regional Weather and Climate". International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy. June 22-26, 1998.
Fennessy, M. J., 1998: Seasonal prediction experiments with the NCEP Eta model nested in the COLA GCM, Parts I & II (2 lectures). International Summer School on Limited area Models. Krivaja, Yugoslavia. August 27- September 4, 1998,
Goswami, B.N., V. Krishnamurthy and H. Annamalai, 1998: A broad scale circulation index for interannual variability of the Indian summer monsoon. International Conference on Monsoon and Hydrologic Cycle, Kyongju, Korea. April 22-25, 1998.
Kirtman, B.P., and J. Shukla, 1998: On the Influence of Monsoons on ENSO. Ninth Symposium on Global Change Studies. Phoenix, Arizona.
Kirtman, B.P., and P.S. Schopf, 1998: Decadal Variability in ENSO Predictability and Prediction. Ninth Symposium on Global Change Studies. Phoenix, Arizona.
Kirtman, B.P., and J. Shukla, 1998: On the Influence of the Indian Summer Monsoon on ENSO. Workshop on the Austral-Asian Monsoon. St. Michaels, Maryland.
Kirtman, B.P., and J. Shukla, 1998: On the Influence of the Indian Summer Monsoon on ENSO. First International Symposium on the Asian Monsoon and Pollution over the Monsoon Environment. New Delhi, India.
Kirtman, B.P., 1998: Decadal Variability in ENSO Predictability and Prediction. Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory Oceanography and Geochemistry Seminar Series. Palisades, New York.
Kirtman, B.P., 1998: Decadal Variability in ENSO Predictability and Prediction. Goddard Space Flight Center, Climate and Radiation Branch Seminar Series. Greenbelt, Maryland.
Kirtman, B.P., 1998: NINO 3 Prediction Comparison Project. CLIVAR-NEG1 panel meeting. Palisades, New York.
Paolino, D.A., 1998: Dynamical seasonal prediction with the COLA Model, Joint DSP/ PROVOST Meeting, ECMWF, Reading, UK. November 13-14, 1997.
Paolino, D.A., 1998: Seasonal ensemble forecasting with the COLA model, WMO Workshop on Dynamical Extended-Range Forecasting, Meteo-France, Toulouse, France. November 17-21, 1997.
Schlosser, C.A., and P.C. D. Milly, 1998: Soil moisture predictability and associated climate predictability. Workshop on Modelling and Data Assimilation for Land-Surface Process held at the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasting. Reading, UK. June 29 - July 2, 1997.
Schlosser, C.A., and P.C. D. Milly, 1998: Soil moisture predictability and associated climate predictability. 78th AMS Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ. January 11-16, 1998.
Schlosser, C.A., and P.C. D. Milly, 1998: Soil moisture predictability and associated climate predictability. GCIP Mississippi River Climate Conference, St. Louis, MO. June 8-12, 1998.
Schneider, E.K., 1998: Annual Cycle and ENSO in the CSM and the COLA GCM. CSM Workshop. Breckenridge, Colorado. June 1998.
Schneider, E.K., 1998: Decadal variability of Los Niños in a Coupled GCM. NASA Workshop on Decadal Climate Variability. Williamsburg, Virginia. September 1998.
Schneider, E.K., 1998: Simulation of Seasonal to Decadal Climate Variability in the Pacific in some Coupled GCMs. University of Hawaii/JIMAR. Honolulu, HI. October 1998.
Schneider, E.K., 1998: Simulation of Predictability of SST Variability in the Eastern Equatorial Pacific in a Coupled GCM. Marine Sciences Research Center, SUNY. Stony Brook, New York. November 1998.
Schopf, P., 1998: Development of El Nino Theory, invited seminar. US Naval Academy, Annapolis, Maryland. April 1998.
Schopf, P., 1998: Decadal Variability in ENSO Predictability and Prediction, informal seminar Princeton University. May 1998.
Schopf, P., 1998: Design of the Poseidon Ocean Model, invited seminar. Los Alamos National Laboratory. June 1998.
Schopf, P., 1998: Decadal Variability in ENSO Predictability and Prediction, paper. International Conference on Satellites, Oceanography and Society, Lisbon. August 1998.
Shukla, J., 1998: Predictability of monsoons: Modeling and Observational Studies. International Conference on Monsoon and Hydrologic Cycle. Kyongju, Korea. April 1998.
Shukla, J., 1998: Predictability of Regional Climate. Climate Diagnostics Workshop, Univ. of Miami. October 1998.
Shukla, J. and V. Krishnamurthy, 1998: Intraseasonal and interannual variability of monsoon Korea Conference on Monsoon Hydrology.
Straus, D.M., 1998: Mid-Latitude Atmospheric Predictability, Report DM. Department of Meteorology, Stockholm University. (course notes), September 1998.
Straus, D.M., 1998: Mid-Latitude Seasonal Predictability and Intraseasonal Dynamics from the DSP. Seminar at Princeton University. April 23, 1998.
Straus, D.M., and P. Ditlevsen, 1998: Geophysical Turbulence in the Reanalyses of ECMWF, Rossby-100 Symposium at International Institute in Stockholm Sweden. June 8-12, 1998.
Straus, D.M., and J. Shukla, 1998: ENSO Response in COLA DSP and Reanalyses: Climate Signal and Climate Noise. Climate Diagnostics Workshop, Miami, Florida. October 1998.
Tsai, P., and B.E. Doty, 1998: A Prototype Java Interface for the Grid Analysis and Display System (GrADs). Fourteenth International Conference on Interactive Information and Processing Systems. Phoenix, AZ. January 11-16, 1998.
Zhu, Z., 1998: A new definition for a sigma-isentropic coordinate and the experiments with a GCM. Presented at Sixth Workshop on Numerical Solutions of Fluid Flow in Spherical Geometry. Gatlinbrug, Tennessee. April 28 - May 1, 1998.
Zhu, Z., 1998: A new definition for a sigma-isentropic coordinate and the experiments with a GCM, presented at the CSM annual meeting. Breckenridge, Colorado. June 1998.
DeWitt, D.G., and E.K. Schneider, 1997: Use of the CCM clouds/optical properties in the COLA AGCM. CSM AGCM Working Group Meeting, Boulder, Colorado. January 1997.
DeWitt, D.G., 1997: An analysis of the tropical climate of the NCAR system model. Breckenridge, Colorado. June 24, 1997.
Dirmeyer, P.A., 1997: The Global Soil Wetness Project. GEWEX News, 7, No.2, 3-6.
Dirmeyer, P.A., 1997: Global water and energy flux data from the Global Soil Wetness Project. Eos, Transactions, Amer. Geophys. Union, 1997 Spring Meeting, 78, S156.
Dirmeyer, P.A., 1997: Can seasonal climate simulation be improved by the GSWP soil wetness climatology? Proc. 13th Conf. on Hydrology, American Meteorological Society, 169.
Dirmeyer, P.A., 1997: The sensitivity of soil wetness, runoff and surface fluxes to infiltration properties. Proc. 13th Conf. on Hydrology, American Meteorological Society, 169.
Doty, B.E., J.L. Kinter III, M. Fiorino, D. Hooper, R. Budich, K. Winger, U. Schulzweida, L. Calori, T. Holt and K. Meier, 1997: The Grid Analysis and Display System (GrADS): An Update for 1997. Amer. Meteor. Soc.13th International Conference on IIPS for Meteorology, Oceanography and Hydrology. Longbeach, CA. February 2-7, 1997.
Fennessy, M. J., 1997: What are the results when GCM forcing is used as boundary conditions for the Eta model? Modeling Strategy for Regional Climate Prediction and Assessment over North America, A PACS/GCIP Workshop. Silver Spring, Maryland. October 1-3, 1997.
Kirtman, B.P., 1997: ENSO Predictability with coupled ocean-atmosphere GCM. Annales Geophysicae, Supplement Volume 15.
Schneider, E.K., 1997a: Tropical SST: Simulating the annual cycle and Hindcasting Interannual Variability with a Coupled GCM. Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory. May 1997.
Schneider, E.K., 1997b: Reduction of systematic error in coupled climate simulations. Mission Earth =97: Modeling and Simulation. Component of SCS Western Multiconference on Computer Simulation. Phoenix, Arizona. January 1997.
Straus, D.M., 1997: Precipitation and dynamical regimes: NCEP reanalyses and MSU data. First International Conference on Reanalyses. Silver Spring, MD. October 1997.
Xue, Y., F.J. Zeng, K. Mitchell, and Z. Janjic, 1997: The impact of land surface processes on the prediction of the hydrological cycle over the U.S. Preprint of Thirteenth Conference on Hydrology, pp.97-98.
Bamzai, A.S., 1996: Snow cover, snow depth and the Indian monsoon: An observational study. Presentation at the International Workshop on Monsoon-ENSO, International Center for Theoretical Physics. Trieste, Italy. July 15-26, 1996.
Bamzai, A.S., J.L. Kinter III, L. Marx and J. Shukla, 1996: Use of COLA AGCM to study sensitivity of Eurasian spring snow to Indian monsoon. Presentation at International Workshop on Climate Systems of Monsoon Asia. Kyoto, Japan. December 3-7, 1996.
Dirmeyer, P.A., 1996: The impact of GSWP soil wetness on seasonal climate simulation and predictability. Second Intl. Scientific Conf. on the Global Energy and Water Cycle, World Climate Research Programme, 454.
Dirmeyer, P.A., 1996: The sensitivity of GSWP soil wetness to infiltration rate and convective precipitation distribution. Second Intl. Scientific Conf. on the Global Energy and Water Cycle, World Climate Research Programme, 455.
Dirmeyer, P.A., 1996: Using the simplified Simple Biosphere model to generate global soil wetness climatologies. Eos, Transactions, Amer. Geophys. Union, 1996 Spring Meeting, 77, S123.
Dirmeyer, P.A., 1996: The role of land-sea geometry in determining monsoon circulations. Proc. Symp. Global Ocean-Atmosphere-Land System (GOALS), American Meteorological Society, 140-142.
Dirmeyer, P.A., J.L. Kinter III and B.E. Doty, 1996: Predicting skill for ensemble characteristics in the NCEP medium range forecasts. 11th Conf. Numerical Weather Prediction, American Meteorological Society.
Nobre, P., and B.P. Kirtman, 1996: Coupled prediction system at COLA/CPTEC. Preceedings of the 8th Brazilian Meteorology Congress, 5pp.
Xue, Y., F.J. Zeng, K. Mitchell, and Z. Janjic, 1996: The impact of land surface processes on the prediction of the hydrological cycle over the U.S. - A study using a coupled ETA/SSIB model. Preprint of Second International Scientific Conference on the Global Energy and Water Cycle, 73-74.
Kirtman, B.P., 1995: Coupled Predictions at COLA. 20th Annual Climate Diagnostics Workshop. Seattle, Washington.
Kirtman, B.P., B. Huang, Z. Zhu, J. Shukla, E.K. Schneider, 1995: Coupled Predictions at COLA. International Scientific Conference on TOGA. Melbourne, Australia.
Fennessy, M. J. and J. Shukla, 1994: GCM Simulations of active and break monsoon periods. Proc. MONEG International Conference on Monsoon Variability and Prediction, Trieste, Italy. May 9-13, 1994.
Kirtman, B.P., 1994: Assessment of the COLA coupled model predictions and predictability. The Oceanography Society Pacific Basin Meeting. Honolulu, HI.
Shukla, J. and M. J. Fennessy, 1994: Simulation and predictability of monsoons. FY94 NCCS Science Highlights, NASA Center for Computational Sciences, Code 932, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD.
Shukla, J. and M. J. Fennessy, 1994: Simulation and predictability of monsoons. Proc. MONEG International Conference on Monsoon Variability and Prediction. Trieste, Italy. May 9-13, 1994.
Fennessy, M. J., 1993: MONEG related research at COLA. Simulation and prediction of monsoons: Recent results, TOGA/WGNE MONEG WMO/TD - No. 546, WCP, WMO, Geneva,19-22. January 12-14, 1993.
Fennessy, M. J., J. L. Kinter III, L. Marx, P. Sellers and J. Shukla, 1993: Influence of initial soil wetness on GCM simulations on the 1988 U.S. drought and heatwave. Preprint. AMS Conference on Hydroclimatology, p. 54-57. Anaheim, California. January 17-22, 1993.
Fennessy, M. J., L. Marx, J. L. Kinter III and J. Shukla, 1991: GCM simulations of the effects of SST and soil moisture on the 1988 U.S. drought and heatwave. Preprint. Fifth AMS Conference on Climate Variations. Denver, Colorado. October 14-18, 1991.
Fennessy, M. J. and J. Shukla, 1991: Influence of global SST on GCM simulations of the northern hemisphere monsoon circulations of 1987 and 1988. Report of the MONEG workshop on: Simulation of interannual and intraseasonal monsoon variability. WMO/TD - No. 470, WCP, WMO, Geneva, 2.37-2.45. 21-24 October, 1991.
Shukla, J. and M. J. Fennessy, 1991: Some idealized numerical experiments to diagnose the simulated Asian summer monsoon circulation and rainfall. Report of the MONEG workshop on: Simulation of interannual and intraseasonal monsoon variability. WMO/TD - No. 470, WCP, WMO, Geneva. 2.153-2.158. October 21-24, 1991.
Fennessy, M. J., L. Marx, J. L. Kinter III and J. Shukla, 1990: The influence of global SST on the 1988 U.S. drought: A comparison with two general circulation models. Proc. Workshop on 1988 U.S. Drought, 201. pp., Dept. of Meteorology, University of Maryland, College Park, MD. April 30- May 2, 1990