Weather Forecasts



View the Complete Set of Forecast Images for:
Northern Hemisphere North America
Northern Hemisphere (30-day animation) North America (12Z AVN)
Southern Hemisphere North America (12Z ETA)
The Tropics South America
East Asia Europe
Australia Africa
Unless otherwise noted, the forecasts are from the MRF model initialized at 00Z.
A guide to interpreting the forecast images



Simplified Forecasts for North American Regions
These are short term (1-3 day) forecasts of precipitation and high/low temperatures
for Canada, the United States, and neighboring regions in Latin America.
A guide to interpreting the simplified short-term forecasts


Use this table to see forecasts for all regions, sorted by forecast time:

All Canadian Regions
All US Regions
Latin American Regions
All Canadian Regions
All US Regions
Latin American Regions
Day Three
All Canadian Regions
All US Regions
Latin American Regions
Use this table to see all forecast times for each North American region:

Quebec & Maritimes

Western Canada
United States
Eastern US
Central US
Western US
Latin America
Western & Central Mexico
East Mexico & West Caribbean
Eastern Caribbean