GrADS Users Group

GrADS Users Group

A list server is available for GrADS users to exchange information on problem solving, script refinements, user defined functions, etc. Messages typically contain requests for help and ideas for solutions from users who have faced similar problems. Reference is frequently made to upgrades to GrADS and how to obtain them. All posts to the listserver are automatically dispatched to all subscribed users. In order to keep out spammers and internet marketers, subscription is no longer automatic. Send an email to the address below giving your affiliation, electronic and postal addresses, phone, etc. and you will be added by the system administrator.

To join, send email to: [email protected]

Once subscribed, carefully read and archive the important information regarding the use of the listserver and how to send messages. Before posting to the listserver, check the online archive to see if your question has already been answered.

When reporting bugs or problems, please include the following information in your post:

  1. The version of GrADS you are running (it is a good idea to include all the output from 'q config')
  2. The platform you are running GrADS on (e.g. SunOS, DEC Alpha, Windows95...)
  3. A brief description of the problem
  4. The simplest possible script that illustrates the problem
  5. The error messages from GrADS
  6. The output from running "ncdump -c" on your NetCDF file if you're having trouble getting GrADS
    to read the file.

If nobody responds to your post, it may be because you didn't provide enough information. In order to get the answers you want from the GrADS community, you have to ask the questions in the right way. Of course, it may also be the simple case that nobody has an answer.

If a week has gone by and there is still no reply, try reposting again, making sure that you've included all the items from the list above, and noting that it is your 2nd request.