GrADS Documentation


The Users Guide
The Users Guide is the fundamental document that provides information about how to use GrADS. The four main chapters are General Topics, Analysis Topics, Display Topics, and the GrADS Scripting Language.

The tutorial will give you a feeling for how to use the basic capabilities of GrADS. This sample session takes about 30 minutes to run through. It is highly recommended for new users.

The Index provides a quick and easy interface for checking the syntax and usage of any GrADS command or function. Subject headings from the User's Guide are also listed in the Index.

Download the Documentation Web Pages
The html version of the GrADS documentation has become the standard base documentation for GrADS. Click on the link below to download a compressed tar file containing all the html source code. These can be useful to install on your local computer if you have a slow internet connection or if you travel often with a laptop. The most recent tar ball was posted on 1 May 2001.

Download Hard Copy Documentation
If you simply must have a printable version of the documentation, you will have to settle for a version that is outdated and no longer supported. The following formats are available:

Postscript (G-Zipped and A4)
GrADS Commands Quick Reference Card
Scripting Language Quick Reference Card